Telespazio Germany GmbH
Telespazio Germany is a leader in consulting, technology, and engineering services, with over 400 employees providing expert services in a full range of systems and operations engineering, and ICT disciplines.
We enable our clients’ business by developing ground-based, software-intensive systems for control, planning and data processing as well as for simulations and training. Post-development, we provide operations services, support through the entire programme lifecycle, up to fully outsourced services for our clients – at the highest quality and compliant with the necessary regulations.

Hauptsitz: Europaplatz 5 64293 Darmstadt |
Standorte: Friedrichshafener Str. 3 (Asto Park) D-82205 Gilching (Germany) |
Branchen: Space, Aviation, Defence & Security, Telecommunications |
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter*innen: 475 |
Kontaktdaten/Anschrift: +49 (0)6151–8257-0 |
Our roots and expertise in space have helped us branch out into other segments such as aviation, defence, security, and telecommunications and we are now a first-choice provider of solutions in these domains.
We are continuously expanding into new markets and encourage innovation through our role as a shareholder of the Centre for Satellite Navigation in Hesse (cesah), a start-up incubator. Our 40 years of experience has helped us become a trusted partner of our clients, take full responsibility for solving their pains, and enable their business success by making aerospace a commodity.
We are a subsidiary of Telespazio S.p.A., a world leader in GEO information, Satellite Systems & Applications, Satellite Operations and Networks & Connectivity, that provides satellite services with a network consisting of 4 ground stations, 25 operating sites and more than 3.000 employees. Telespazio is a joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%) and is headquartered in Rome, Italy.
Michelle Hüsler
Tim Stefani
Pfaffenwaldring 27 Raum -1.101
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 711 / 685 - 62319
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Inhalt und Gestaltung: Stephan Töllers, Donja Hohendorff, Niklas Wölki, Simon Ruber, Daniel Friedrich, Jonas Knickenberg, Sebastian Dallinger, Michael Demke